Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Jit Shit

How come we dont have any dance crazes up here in Canada?
Im guessing we probably do in the Dancehall circles and the rest of us are suckers.
Currently down south (the Hollarheads know) there are two bigger dances on the flo...
Youve got the chicken soup (which is retarded in my opinion)

and youve got the Wu Tang (obviously this one rules for countless reasons)

Anyhoo this week theres plenty of chances to test your shit on the floor.
On Weds try

Needless to say that Friday you are best off going to

In the meantime keep it real.

Friday, August 18, 2006


You dont know what pain is.

Well several of us went to go see Eugene Mirman last night, dude is fucking funnier than his website lets on to believe. Eugene and Michael Showalter are doing a tour across Canada or the States or summat. If ya get a chance go see 'em.

Leaving last night we saw a trannie or a goth guy (its still undecided) and we started having a conversation with regards to Silence of the Lambs. Needless to say this right below had to be posted.

Whats weird is the rest of the album is nothing like this song. Its still pretty good, but there are soultracks and a cover of 'Sailing' by Christopher Cross.
What the fuck is that?

These guys were in town like 2 months ago and they were doing a house set.
Go figure.

PS Silence of the Lambs made me kinda scared of Trannies. Im not lying.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Nothing sexy about a female in the club with a damn fetus.

We here at Topshelf are all for sex. Get it any way you can (minus the whole rape/kiddie porn thing, not such a good look). Once in a while, fellas, you may find yourself down. Well dont worry, Tariq "King Flex" Nasheed has your shit on lock.

Several things to take note of are:
-the sentence 'dancing up on a guy real nasty, real stank'
- and the title of this blog "Nothing sexy about a female in the club with a damn fetus"
- He is currently in a relationship (HAHAHAHA, yeah, like thats stopping King Flex)
-Basically any photos on his myspace profile. I really like the one of him in Paris.
Does being in Paris officially make you a mack?

Anyways, we fucking loving this dude to the max. Yet again another web phenomenon of which we are not sure whether it is serious or not. Motherfucker was on Conan.

OOooo Oooo Oo
Another good jam to drop by on Thursday is:

The lads are just back from Europe and ready to wile the fuck out.

Now to get that nasty stank on here you go


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Precious Moments

Whilst stumbling along the internet (not working that is), we found our most our most favorite website ever (next to youtube). Seriously, fucking wow. We werent sure if it was serious on not, but apparently, it is. Keep clicking tho, cuz there are some serious doosies in there.

Oooooo Do yourself a damn favor and if you are in either of two cities on Thursday, head out to

Montreal: is gonna be Ghetto Gold, Homecounties and Skratch Bastid

Toronto is matching up with

Well this weekend should be pretty good for instance this friday...

Needless to say these should be a good time.

On Saturday, we've been notified that a one Mr. Hatchmatik (of Peer Pressure mtl) will be rolling into town to do up the Drake.

Should be pretty dope en general, non?
Keep submitting them pics to win that shirt 2 weeks left suckers.

Anyhoo, to tied you over some Celtic Frost

Watch for the guy diving into the crowd. Hes probably someones father now.
Apparently they are playing in September. We are so fucking there.


Saturday, August 12, 2006


Bout fuggin time

You know how we always promise to post pictures when we dont have them right away, and then we dont? Well fuck you guys cuz here ya go. Here are some pics from the lil preparty at Lounge. Quality Jackassery all round. Thats what happens when free beer is handed out. We will keep ya updated when we find out when the next one will be.

Some of the gentlemen of Lounge

Martin sharing fashion secrets of the next season

Homecounties having a go

Sorta speaks for itself no?

How real men do.

Homeless people like free beer too. Dont worry, Matt is official Lounge Hobo Wrangler.

Homesick prefers Bud.

Jenny Jen and some girl (her friend im sure)

Our boy Jacob and his lady friend

Our Stephanie


Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Booty booty booty booty booty everywhere

Something dawned on us last night as we performed our black mass. We like you people. We like you people enough to give you free shit. However, since we don’t want to seem the sluts we are, we figured we will give the guise that you have to earn said freebies.

So we called upon our dark master and lo and behold he answered our prayers. He said that he wanted you, the toiling masses, to paint yourselves as the warriors before us. IE he wants you to slap on some corpse paint.

Basically if you send us a photo (or better yet, A YOUTUBE) of you wearing corpse paint we will consider sending you a free shirt AND honor you by placing you on our website.

Stuff like this and this will win you a shirt. Please email your entry to with your top two choices of shirts (just incase we dont have one, we can send the other) and in 3 weeks time we will announce a winner.

Now here in the meantime is some black metal.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Weeknights in Tvtropolis

Nah fuggit.
This week, do yourself a favor, this is whats what this week:

Thursday, local bandits are out to steal your heart.

Friday, local drunks are aiming to kill it with mass amounts of alcohol

Saturday, well, Saturday just give up. Seriously, just give up. Send us your money.
Caaaam aaaaaaaan.

Sadly Steve Kream cant make it as hes opening up a Krudmart store (OUTSIDE OF THE INTERNET, IN THE REAL WORLD, YES, YES THERE IS SUMMAT OUT THERE FOR YOU). However, I hear that there is to be a super special guest. If thats not an excuse then the fact that Homecounties is leaving TO for the UK should be enough of one. There is the serious chance that Friday and Saturday will be his last two jams (for a long while?? or possibly forever).

As for last week, Friday was pretty dope but the rest of the weekend was quiet.
Heres a couple of pics from the Low Budget/Aaron La Crate party, shit was pretty fun. It was nice to have such a long line up of local djs and one of our boys from Buffalo was dead impressed with our Dougie Boom (as he should be, DAMMIT).

Oh yeah... Keep an eye out for mixes coming out really soon from the folks at DMU. Heres a couple from DRT to keep you complacent.


Ghetto Gold Matt


Dig it suckers.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Hail the Dark Prince

Fucking awesome.
Speaking of fucking awesome you need to get all over Metalocalypse.
A brief description as suggested by that link above is
"The show is basically about a (half-American/half Norwegian) metal band that is about a million times bigger than the Beatles. But a million times more dangerous and a millions times more stupid. This show promises violent murder. Violent violent murder. And metal."

Now we were lucky enough to find the first two episodes on Youtube (our savior, next to satan, 666) and dude, this shit is fucking retarded hilarious. I guess Kirk Hammett is doing one of the voices. Does the animation not remind you slightly of Heavy Metal. (magazine and video)? I seriously cannot wait for more episodes, shit is going to be unreal. I dont even know if they have shown this ish in Canada yet, prob not as we still dont have Sealab 2021 on tv yet. Thats summat else you need to get on as well.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Murderface for President.

Oh yeah. Corpse paint is TOTALLY in for halloween this year.

The best metal videos are made in your parents basement.


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