Monday, August 07, 2006


Hail the Dark Prince

Fucking awesome.
Speaking of fucking awesome you need to get all over Metalocalypse.
A brief description as suggested by that link above is
"The show is basically about a (half-American/half Norwegian) metal band that is about a million times bigger than the Beatles. But a million times more dangerous and a millions times more stupid. This show promises violent murder. Violent violent murder. And metal."

Now we were lucky enough to find the first two episodes on Youtube (our savior, next to satan, 666) and dude, this shit is fucking retarded hilarious. I guess Kirk Hammett is doing one of the voices. Does the animation not remind you slightly of Heavy Metal. (magazine and video)? I seriously cannot wait for more episodes, shit is going to be unreal. I dont even know if they have shown this ish in Canada yet, prob not as we still dont have Sealab 2021 on tv yet. Thats summat else you need to get on as well.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Murderface for President.

Oh yeah. Corpse paint is TOTALLY in for halloween this year.

The best metal videos are made in your parents basement.


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