Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Precious Moments

Whilst stumbling along the internet (not working that is), we found our most our most favorite website ever (next to youtube). Seriously, fucking wow. We werent sure if it was serious on not, but apparently, it is. Keep clicking tho, cuz there are some serious doosies in there.

Oooooo Do yourself a damn favor and if you are in either of two cities on Thursday, head out to

Montreal: is gonna be Ghetto Gold, Homecounties and Skratch Bastid

Toronto is matching up with

Well this weekend should be pretty good for instance this friday...

Needless to say these should be a good time.

On Saturday, we've been notified that a one Mr. Hatchmatik (of Peer Pressure mtl) will be rolling into town to do up the Drake.

Should be pretty dope en general, non?
Keep submitting them pics to win that shirt 2 weeks left suckers.

Anyhoo, to tied you over some Celtic Frost

Watch for the guy diving into the crowd. Hes probably someones father now.
Apparently they are playing in September. We are so fucking there.



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