Saturday, August 12, 2006


Bout fuggin time

You know how we always promise to post pictures when we dont have them right away, and then we dont? Well fuck you guys cuz here ya go. Here are some pics from the lil preparty at Lounge. Quality Jackassery all round. Thats what happens when free beer is handed out. We will keep ya updated when we find out when the next one will be.

Some of the gentlemen of Lounge

Martin sharing fashion secrets of the next season

Homecounties having a go

Sorta speaks for itself no?

How real men do.

Homeless people like free beer too. Dont worry, Matt is official Lounge Hobo Wrangler.

Homesick prefers Bud.

Jenny Jen and some girl (her friend im sure)

Our boy Jacob and his lady friend

Our Stephanie



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