Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Weeknights in Tvtropolis

Nah fuggit.
This week, do yourself a favor, this is whats what this week:

Thursday, local bandits are out to steal your heart.

Friday, local drunks are aiming to kill it with mass amounts of alcohol

Saturday, well, Saturday just give up. Seriously, just give up. Send us your money.
Caaaam aaaaaaaan.

Sadly Steve Kream cant make it as hes opening up a Krudmart store (OUTSIDE OF THE INTERNET, IN THE REAL WORLD, YES, YES THERE IS SUMMAT OUT THERE FOR YOU). However, I hear that there is to be a super special guest. If thats not an excuse then the fact that Homecounties is leaving TO for the UK should be enough of one. There is the serious chance that Friday and Saturday will be his last two jams (for a long while?? or possibly forever).

As for last week, Friday was pretty dope but the rest of the weekend was quiet.
Heres a couple of pics from the Low Budget/Aaron La Crate party, shit was pretty fun. It was nice to have such a long line up of local djs and one of our boys from Buffalo was dead impressed with our Dougie Boom (as he should be, DAMMIT).

Oh yeah... Keep an eye out for mixes coming out really soon from the folks at DMU. Heres a couple from DRT to keep you complacent.


Ghetto Gold Matt


Dig it suckers.


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