Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Click, Clack, Step back

Well this Friday is shaping up to look pretty damn good. As per usual Drug Money is on the forefront of getting ish done. The DMU boys have managed to bring in Paul Devro and bring back My!Gay!Husband! from out on the Fresh Coast. Now if you were there for the last jam that M!G!H! was at you will be well versed in the fact that that motherfucker throws it down. I might be wrong but Im pretty sure that they will be returning (most likely triumphantly) from a quick US tour. TO's Rory Them Finest will be there as well to tear up the dancefloor, I wonder if the poor boy is worn out from last weeks Big Primpin's special pride event?

On the same front, but different night, it initially looked as if Dougie Boom (aka Dig Doug) was going to be throwing a regular Tuesday night called "No Sportos". This has apparently changed, now Dougies got Thursdays on lock (at 751) so you can get retarded one day earlier. However, because you have all been so good, you can catch a double dose this week (and this week only)both Tuesday AND Thursday. Hollar at that!

Looking for summat to predrink with?
Are you a Beer person or a Wine person??
Personally I like to mix'em both together to make a nice swish.

Props to Jhon for the wine link

PS Keep an eye out for contests for free gear... (ooooooh, FREE gear!!)


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